
Aglime is produced from pulverised limestone and is manufactured to specifications suitable for soil amelioration. It is an off-white limestone powder predominantly finer than 2mm and tested frequently. 


In the right conditions, finer grades will have a higher surface area and may react more quickly in acidic environments. Rate of reaction will depend on a number of factors such as soil type, moisture content and pre-application soil pH. 

Graymont Aglime is Fertmark certified with a minimum CaCO3 of 90%; 50% passing 500μm, and less than 5% retained on a 2mm screen. Please note that moisture is added to Graymont Aglime at appropriate times to minimize dust and improve consistency. 

Graymont Aglime is also BioGro certified participating in annual audits against the BioGro standards. 

Graymont (NZ) Limited actively manages the manufacture of Aglime under a Quality Management System to the ISO9001:2015 standard.  This includes frequent testing through our in-house laboratory.  

Aglime products are available in various formats including: bulk, 1000kg+ sacks and 25kg paper bags on request.



Aglime users should be aware that agricultural lime is a dusty product that can cause a reduction in visibility, depending on how it is handled and/ or local weather conditions. This risk should be assessed before use including, but not limited to, the impact on operators, farmers, nearby moving vehicles and the general public. Aglime should be spread by a qualified professional contractor in accordance with applicable industry codes of practice such as Code of Practice for Nutrient Management, Fertmark Code of Practice and the Spreadmark Code of Practice. 

The Aglime logo is a registered trademark of Graymont (NZ) Limited.

Fiches de données de sécurité

Le saviez-vous ?

Les produits de chaux générés par la calcination de la pierre calcaire peuvent éventuellement retourner à leur forme chimique initiale en réagissant avec le dioxyde de carbone de l’atmosphère ou de procédés industriels.