The Superior plant, located on the Lake Superior waterfront in Superior, Wisconsin, is ideally positioned to service the upper Midwestern states and central Canada.
Limestone is not quarried at this site; it comes from quarries in Michigan and is transported by self-unloading bulk freighters to the Superior dock. Finished product is shipped out by truck and rail, often providing return loads for overland carriers who have dropped off commodities for shipping out of the port.
Three types of limestone are calcined at the Superior facility to produce high calcium quicklime, high-calcium hydrated lime, dolomitic quicklime and PCC quicklime.The newest addition to the plant is kiln #5, a state of the art, high-efficiency preheater lime kiln.
In addition to calcined lime products, the plant is also a major supplier of finely ground limestone utilized by various mining and manufacturing customers throughout the Midwest.
1 715 394-1714
Plant phone
1 715 392-5146