Zero Grind

Zero Grind is an off-white pulverized limestone used in a range of industrial and agricultural applications for various sectors such as: stock feed minerals, asphalt manufacture and other industrial applications such as a fluxing agent.

Zero Grind Asphalt

Zero Grind is manufactured to rigorous internal specifications to provide consistent chemical and physical properties. Zero Grind typically has a high calcium carbonate level and low levels of minor constituents such as silica, ferric oxide and alumina. Please note that Zero Grind is a “all in” product and includes finer size fractions. Dedusted materials are available at certain supply locations.

Zero Grind is available in 1000kg supersacks on request. Please contact the sales team to obtain more information on Zero Grind or other products we are able to supply.


Zero Grind is available from our Faulkner and Exshaw plants in Canada and is also distributed further afield as required. Please contact our sales team to enquire about Zero Grind. 

Did you know?

Limestone is composed of the mineral calcite (calcium carbonate) and/or the mineral dolomite (calcium and magnesium carbonate) along with small amounts of other minerals.