Lime in Environmental Remediation

Environmental remediation initiatives employ lime in a multitude of different applications. This section outlines a few examples of how lime is being widely used as the reagent of choice when responding to environmental problems.


Lime is a cost-effective reagent for the treatment of animal wastes. This is becoming increasingly important as the feedlot industry consolidates and transitions to large-scale feeding operations that produce significant volumes of waste.

Lime can also be used for effective treatment of sewage biosolids, including municipal wastewater, as well as industrial sludge, petroleum wastes and acidic drainage from active or abandoned mine sites.

Lime is often employed to treat hazardous wastes. Lime stabilizes most metals by converting them to more chemically stable forms that are less likely to leach. In addition, when added to soil, lime can be a very effective way to solidify material and prevent future discharge of hazardous wastes.

There are many other applications for lime in environmental remediation projects. Contact our sales team to enquire how lime can help achieve positive environmental outcomes.

Did you know?

Limestone is composed of the mineral calcite (calcium carbonate) and/or the mineral dolomite (calcium and magnesium carbonate) along with small amounts of other minerals.