

The Genoa plant is located in Genoa, Ohio, where a heavy strata of pure Niagara Dolomite lies close to the surface of the ground. The quality of this deposit makes it one of the select areas of the world for the production of lime for plastering applications due to its high chemical purity, excellent water retention and white color.

One of the largest dolomitic lime hydration facilities in the United States, the Genoa plant produces quicklime and hydrated lime for a wide variety of markets throughout the eastern United States and Canada. Product lines include strong brand names, such as Ivory® Finishing Lime, Bondcrete® Mason's and Stucco Lime, Super® Limoid Mason's Lime, Kemidol® industrial products and Niagara® Lime Putty. The plant's focus on specialty products necessitates providing excellent customer support for both construction and industrial applications.

Activities at the Genoa complex include limestone rock processing, calcining, hydration, blending and packaging operations. Three rotary kilns burn sized limestone rock to produce dolomitic quicklime products with excellent reactivity. This quicklime is used either as an industrial product or as a raw material for the hydration processes. The hydration plant consists of two hydrators that operate under atmospheric pressure and three autoclave processes. Atmospheric hydration produces Type N hydrated lime products for use in industrial and agricultural applications. Hydration under high pressure in the autoclaves produces unique Type S hydrated lime for building and industrial applications. The blending department produces packaged blends of cement and lime for masonry and other applications. Two automatic packaging lines fill and palletize 10, 25 and 50 lb. bags for customer delivery.

Contact Us

Sales phone
1 800 537-4489, ext. 8656
Plant phone
1 419 855-8336

Parsons Creek

In the heart of Alberta’s oil-sands region, Parsons Creek is located just north of Fort McMurray, Alberta in the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo.

Parsons Creek is a joint venture by Graymont and Lehigh Hanson Materials Limited. Both are leaders in the production of construction stone and limestone products throughout North America.

Contact Us

Sales phone

Lamont County Facility

Contact Us

1 403 609-7307

Bellefonte Terminal I

Bellefonte Terminal I, located near Graymont's Pleasant Gap plant in Pennsylvania, provides bagged packaging and storage for both quicklime and hydrated lime.

Contact Us

Plant phone
1 814 357-4538

Grupo Calidra

In 2003, Graymont became a part owner of Grupo Calidra. Founded in 1907, Grupo Calidra is the largest lime producer in Mexico, with multiple production sites in Mexico and Honduras.

The company, like Graymont, is privately held and has more than 100 years of continuous experience in the lime and limestone industries. Calidra mines some of the highest quality limestone deposits in Latin America.

Calidra produces construction hydrated lime, quicklime, dolomitic lime, chemical hydrated lime and calcium-carbonate products under different brand names, including the leading brands Calidra and Piracal.

Calidra exports high-quality hydrate for specialized industrial applications such as lubrication additives and for use in the food industry. See Graymont Product list for Lubricant Additive Hydrate and Food Grade Hydrate.

Visit Grupo Calidra’s dedicated website

Eastern Region Office

Contact Us

1 450 449-2262
1 450 449-2256


The Bedford plant, in the eastern townships of Quebec, boasts the latest in lime production technology. Bedford products are shipped by truck or rail. Bedford's modern rotary-preheater lime kilns enable the plant to meet all customer requirements.

Customers can be assured of an uninterrupted. As well as being a major quicklime manufacturer, the Bedford plant remains a quality supplier of pulverized limestone used in roof shingles, fertilizers, animal feed, agricultural liming and the glass industry.

Contact Us

Sales phone
1 450 645-2446
Plant phone
1 450 234-1273


Although the Marbleton plant, located in Quebec's Eastern Townships region, is one of the oldest lime production facilities in North America, it is equipped with modern and efficient production equipment. For limestone, the plant draws on an extensive 'ocean-reef' deposit that has been quarried since 1824. The plant is equipped with both vertical and rotary lime kilns, which provide superior thermal performance. The site also encompasses ample storage facilities to guarantee customers a ready supply of its entire product line.

Contact Us

Sales phone
1 450 645-2446
Plant phone
1 819 303-1286