Otorohanga Plant

Graymont's Otorohanga lime plant, situated 20 km north of the Company's Oparure quarry, operates two rotary lime kilns to manufacture high-quality quicklime and hydrated lime products from the raw limestone sourced from the quarry. These products supply domestic customers in New Zealand as well as customers in the Asia-Pacific region.

Laboratory staff and other specialists constantly monitor operations at Otorohanga, testing and reporting at least daily to ensure quality and consistency of the plant's output. In addition, experienced production, engineering and maintenance teams work tirelessly to maintain, manage and improve operations.

Contact Us

Otorohanga Plant
498 Old Te Kuiti Road RD 6
Otorohanga 3976
New Zealand

Toll Free
(07) 873 7829
(07) 850 3540
Toll Free
(07) 873 7829